【北海道ふるさと納税】沼田町 ななつぼし 雪中米


本日は、北海道沼田町のななつぼし 雪中米をご紹介します。

Let me introduce about “Numata town “Nanatsuboshi” rice stored in snow coolor” today.

沼田町 ななつぼし 雪中米とは/What is “Numata town “Nanatsuboshi” rice stored in snow coolor”?

ななつぼし 雪中米は、北海道沼田町で作られたお米です。昨年のふるさと納税で、返礼品としてこちらを頂きました。






【ふるさと納税】 【玄米】〈先行予約〉令和6年産 特Aランク ななつぼし 玄米 選べる容量( 5kg ・ 10kg ・ 20kg ) 雪冷気 籾貯蔵 雪中米 米 お米 ご飯 ごはん 北海道 【2024年10月より順次発送予定】

【ふるさと納税】<容量・定期便回数・発送月が選べる> <先行予約> 令和6年産 ななつぼし 玄米 1回あたり 5kg・10kg 定期便4ヶ月・定期便8ヶ月 雪冷気 籾貯蔵 北海道 雪中米 特Aランク 米 お米 ご飯 ごはん 【2024年10月より順次発送予定】

【ふるさと納税】【精米】〈先行予約〉令和6年産 特Aランク ゆめぴりか 精米 選べる容量( 2kg ・ 5kg ・ 10kg ・ 20kg ) 雪冷気 籾貯蔵 雪中米 米 お米 白米 ご飯 ごはん 北海道【2024年10月より順次発送予定】



Numata town “Nanatsuboshi” is produced in Numata Town, Hokkaido, Japan. We received this rice as a return gift from our hometown tax payment last year.

It is rice stored in a natural cooler using snow. This storage method is said to be attracting attention as a clean energy source because it does not emit carbon dioxide.

Numata Town’s Rice is considered to be the highest grade of rice, a special grade A. It is sweet, chewy, and very tasty.
You can choose between brown rice and white rice, Nanatsuboshi or Yumepirika, and I chose the brown Nanatsuboshi rice.

The packaging and logo are both cute and very Hokkaido-like.

Many of Numata Town’s products are made from snow, as is typical of Hokkaido, and are attractive in that they are good for the environment.
Since some of the hometown taxes are less than 10,000 yen, they are affordable. We hope you will consider them for this year’s hometown tax payment. You can purchase them normally, so please check them out at the above URL!

おすすめポイント/Favorite Points

私が思う沼田町 ななつぼし 雪中米のおすすめポイントをご紹介します!
My favorite points about “Numata town “Nanatsuboshi” rice stored in snow coolor” are..!

[沼田町 ななつぼし 雪中米のおすすめポイント/Favorite Points]


・Storing in the natural cooler using snow is Hokkaido-like
・Eco product
・It is a special grade A and tasty
・You can get as returns of hometown tax payment(if you live in Japan)


I will continue to introduce other sweets/favorite souvenir in Hokkaido, please check it.
Thank you again for reading this issue to the end.


